"One thing many of God’s people have failed to realize is that not only is Satan a great deceiver, but he himself is totally deceived! To my mind, this is a self-evident truth. He would not be trying to overthrow God and His kingdom if he did not somehow believe that he could. He is deceived by the very lies which he tells, by the very deception which he propagates. Christ is the creator of the world, of the whole vast universe, and is its present ruler. The scriptures make this very plain. The inspired apostle Paul tells us that all world rulers are “God’s ministers,” and that there is “NO POWER but of God” (Rom. 13:1-6). The great prophet Daniel declared, “The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men” (Dan. 4:17,25). And Satan also serves. The only power Satan has is that measure of power which God has appointed to him. I’m sure it is with him as it was with the wicked men who crucified the Lord — “they know not what they do.” That is deception!"
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Is he deceived or is he a willing patsy? Scapegoated to take the fall and make God look like a conquering hero? Only a truly loving brother would do something like that..
It serves. A brother is an equal, God has no equal in good theology.
Wife said, "you gotta be pretty confident to say I am the fire"
Jesus Christ in us, "I am the fire"