Cases on Clean Water Act and Voting Rights Act will headline October oral arguments - SCOTUSblog
With two dozen cases from its 2021-22 term still undecided, the Supreme Court on Tuesday released the first argument calendar for its 2022-23 term. During the argument session that begins on Oct. 3, the justices will hear oral argument in important cases i...
Brandon blowing up the pipline,is the best I've seen so far.
Could it refer to what they have already been putting in community water supplies?
For those unable to think past a headline, this ruling will actually set a limit on just how much power the EPA will have. After their last defeat, this could be what strips them of their bureaucratic over reach, but I see too few of you can get past the trolling and actually THINK for yourselves.
I see you failed to give any reasons as to why not. Why don't you enlighten us since you seem so sure of yourself.
I see you failed to give any reasons why. "Whether the 9th Circuit used the proper test to determine whether wetlands are “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act." That's from your link...did you catch that? A re-visit of a 2017 Cali vs./J.R. relying on a 2006 Justice Kennedy opinion...regarding wetlands. "The facts underlying the conviction were that in the process of excavating and constructing a series of ponds on both National Forest System lands and a privately owned mining claim, Robertson discharged dredge and fill material, without permits, into surrounding Montana wetlands and into an adjacent tributary that runs into Cataract Creek. Cataract Creek is a tributary of the Boulder River, which in turn is a tributary of the Jefferson River, a traditionally navigable water of the United States." ...cuz Q...right?
The ruling will effect much more than some pond or wetland, it will set a precedent on how much power the EPA actually has, but I'd not expect a smartalek to be able to think that far outside the headline. This place was a lot better before all the smarta$$ trolls showed up.
I doubt it. Maybe every 2 days someone asks this with anything to do with water. I'm no Q expert but I haven't seen where anyone figured out what it meant. Looking back it is likely something with North Korea.
Did you even bother to research the merits of the case? It's as plausible as any other theory I've seen.
Yes. What does it have to do with North Korea though?
Where did Q say his "Watch the Water" was solely about NK?
Try 847