This guy pissed and shit himself to appear crazy to the draft board to get out of serving in Vietnam but if you listen to him talk now, the reason we lost Vietnam is bc he wasn't there...
This guy regularly says batshit crazy things to appeal to the worst in the conservative movement.
I know. I just feel he is possibly one of the worst ambassadors for the shooting sports. My down votes mean I am over the target for calling out a paedo draft dodger who has wormed into MAGAtown
The Stuge. Smdh.
This guy married a 14 year old in his 20s...
This guy pissed and shit himself to appear crazy to the draft board to get out of serving in Vietnam but if you listen to him talk now, the reason we lost Vietnam is bc he wasn't there...
This guy regularly says batshit crazy things to appeal to the worst in the conservative movement.
I know. I just feel he is possibly one of the worst ambassadors for the shooting sports. My down votes mean I am over the target for calling out a paedo draft dodger who has wormed into MAGAtown