Wanna see a paid shill in action on GAW? Yesterday we perma-banned this tard for this sudden, out-of-the-blue comment against "True the Vote's" Gregg Phillips. NEXT DAY? Konnech's CEO is arrested (by LA's Soros-comped DA). Be on the lookout for these shills! Attacks will intensify! DEPORT!

THAT scenario, know 100% proven fact, happened in 18 out the most astounding 18 nuclear secret spy cases since 1943 to last decade.
18 out of 18 sickening nuclear weapons spies across history WERE PRACTICING JEWS!!!!!
This Jewish spy stuff still happens, but in the last 7 years a couple Chinese nationals also stole nuclear weapons blueprints
Well, sometimes the FBI just says "look, a Russian IP address" and then concocts a lie that Russians did this or that. It wouldn't surprise me if they just spoof China IP addresses since the Steve Bannon followers and Trump think ChinaMen are the boogiemen and not the anti-Christ jews who surround the both of them.