posted ago by HelloDolly ago by HelloDolly +62 / -1

I wasn't tired tonight, feeling oddly wide awake. Then had what I think may be a genuine epiphany. Even the shit holes of the US and the world are going to improve drastically and seemingly miraculously when this is finally over. They will have to, because once the shackles of corruption and depravity are removed by exposure at the macro level, they will not be tolerated anywhere. There will be power in the people fully realized, that we never knew we had. This is either a real intuitive moment, or I am just desperately looking for hope for my hometown/city's future. Still, I can't help but thinking that once people really see how bad things got, there is going to be a reckoning for every corrupt corner of the world. Because once shown the way, people will finally realize they don't HAVE to put up with this bullshit. It will make good people brave and righteous.