Have any of you made a FOIA request to look into the actual curriculum that is used within your local school district? I, and some other concerned parents, are in the beginning stages of forming a local branch of an already established nationwide non-profit concerned citizens group. One thing we would like to do is submit a FOIA to get more detailed info, as much as possible, into the curriculum within our district. Could anyone give me advice if they have submitted one before to their school; did they actually respond with the requested documents or just general materials? Did you submit to the school board, the school admin office, or the state DOE?
Also, if you are not aware already; here is some very concerning information that should make you, as a parent or even just a community member of your city/town, here are the types of conferences going on for school guidance counselors: https://ascaconferences.org/ Here were their exhibitors this year; many which are companies providing "social emotional learning", "cultural based", and "equity & inclusion" curriculum (which our district is implementing the Second Step curriculum) https://ascaconferences.org/exhibitors?fbclid=IwAR2z-Ae8kulJWU9Cj8SxOKRzIY2HGjLV7VbtYho2h_45eXYoW1tRNuAlYio
The ASCA released new updated "ethical standards" during this year's conference which includes numerous changes/references to make standards more "inclusive". https://schoolcounselor.org/getmedia/44f30280-ffe8-4b41-9ad8-f15909c3d164/EthicalStandards.pdf
Our state education association will be holding a conference soon https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fall-leadership-educator-conference-creating-safe-and-supportive-schools-tickets-407520373407 in which many of our state teachers and school staff are sure to attend. How do we get the information on what is being pushed out to these people who will then turn around and put it onto our children?
Personally, I believe the public school system has shown itself to be a failed experiment that is beyond any ability to be reformed. Dept of edu should be shut down. Let's go back to small private schools and a high rate of homeschooling. The ability to do this in the modern era thanks to the internet is even easier than ever in history. The only thing stopping this from happening overnight, are the parent's hesitancy and thinking they can't do this, trust me, we all can.
That is the overall goal but in order to get there, looking for solid evidence to show others just what it is that the schools have allowed for curriculum usage. Need more parents to see just what it is that is going on so they will stand up with us to demand the school board disassociate themselves from the NEA, therefore our local EA, and then abolish the DOE altogether.
Why don't you contact the Loudoun Co, VA group that has been fighting the school board there? https://fightforschools.com/ Your state press association might also be able to point you to someone to help with FOIA requests. Note those are state laws and vary from state to state so Virginia info will be limited by that.
I have to say I agree with escapefromearth's comments. The total control of every aspect of public schools by teachers' unions is too far gone to fix. Your time would be better spent lobbying your governor and state legislature for school funding to go to the parents for whatever option they choose. Let the public schools die on the vine from lack of enrollment because they will not compete.
There is already a local group going that route; we are working on a divide and conquor approach ;)
I will contact someone from FightForSchools though. Thank you for the suggestion!
Great! Don't forget about the press association too. They won't be able to do a lot for a non-member but I'll bet they can point you to the best sources for info on how to file, what to file, etc.
You should also essentially memorize your state's open meetings law. Then if they try to go into closed session and the reason isn't valid, you can object and if they do it anyway, sue them.