That's an old pizza hurt ad and nothing to do with James Elefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza, pizza gate is very real and the children exploited by pizza gate don't deserve crap posts like this.
If you were actually concerned about pizza gate you can go on Bit Chute watch any of Mouthy Buddha:s videos on the topic and pick a few key points in the video even mentioning the time stamps and open it up as a topic for.
Things like this do nothing but make anons look like idiots and and you're insulting anybody here that dares to call you out on it.
That's an old pizza hurt ad and nothing to do with James Elefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza, pizza gate is very real and the children exploited by pizza gate don't deserve crap posts like this.
If you were actually concerned about pizza gate you can go on Bit Chute watch any of Mouthy Buddha:s videos on the topic and pick a few key points in the video even mentioning the time stamps and open it up as a topic for.
Things like this do nothing but make anons look like idiots and and you're insulting anybody here that dares to call you out on it.
REMOVAL : suspected handshake troll
Yes stop it
Eating pizza will turn you pedo. Highly recommend a ghost pepper colon cleanse mate!