“The next step of the global walkout is to organize, at least once a week, a dinner or lunch with friends and family to start building a community from your very home. Discuss current affairs with them. Make sure more and more people in your community understand what’s going on...It may seem off-topic or pointless, but in fact, it might be the most important step we’ve had. Lockdowns, mainstream media, and modern culture try to divide and disconnect us…we must do the exact opposite. Human connection is one of the most effective ways to remain a critical thinker, open-minded, innovative, hopeful, inspired, and rational..."
https://globalwalkout.com/ https://reignitefreedom.com/
Steps 1-5 Step 1: KEEP CASH ALIVE! Step 2: Support family-run grocery stores and purchase locally grown products Step 3: Unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets! Step 4: Support small banks—Move accounts to a union or local bank! Step 5: Display your country’s flag upside down
Social Media Sites Clouthub - https://clouthub.com/g/ReigniteFreedom Telegram - https://t.me/reignitefreedom YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjnJJbXYGQ61btd2_yVoXsw Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-1667655 Twitter - https://twitter.com/ReigniteFreedom Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/reignitefreedom/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ReigniteFreedom
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas. I absolutely agree about going to Church. Knowing what we know, it is absolutely essential we remain grounded in God's Word. As to your final point, creating and maintaining order and beauty in your own house is something my family has always done. In fact, we are currently working on several house projects (while at the same time staying abreast of current events and prepping to be as independent as possible). Maintaining a peaceful heart is something I work at daily. Thank you again for your insights and God Bless.