74 CBA (Australia's largest bank) just tell me I can't move money out. Are banks about to fail? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by izaLT8Kg 2 years ago by izaLT8Kg +74 / -0 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Verifiable source: https://www.commbank.com.au/about-us/support/commbank-incidents.html
Screenshot from online banking interface. Haven't found this in the news yet.
St George and other banks in OZ are affected also. The reason on that screen shot is the one they give.
We'll have to keep trying in the morning (now is 1.30 am Sydney time)
Then we'll know!
The SHTF at some point. Be prepared!
Gold Silver Lead Food Night vision goggles Shovel Alchohol
Bitcoin cash clears transactions within 2 minutes - globally and with $0.10 fees regardless of the amount sent.
Red pill me on why Bitcoin Cash and why not Bitcoin
8 times the transaction volume, lower transaction fees...lower market value for coins..same rarity....otherwise the same software.
Same rarity but the rumour I heard (unsure if true?) was the guy who created it did so so he could “recover his” (some say steal Satoshi’s) Bitcoin
And that the guy, Craig W something runs round claiming he’s Satoshi but refuses to provide the indisputable proof by signing something with his keys.
The other thing I’ve heard is something about the block size making Bitcoin cash network more in the hands of universities and institutions?
Anyway appreciate you talking about it with me!
I haven't heard of anything like that - it was created to address the increasing transaction fees of bitcoin.