A society of emasculated 'persons' is easy to control (not just liars)...maybe that is why the coordinated, aggressive push for all the genders, reassignments and elimination of stereotypes such as 'a real man' exemplifies toxic masculinity rather than is a protector.
yeah it's both turning people on each other and making government the one that is left over for protection. the same government that does all the evil crap to us. which is also humiliating, part of Dalrymple's point.
A society of emasculated 'persons' is easy to control (not just liars)...maybe that is why the coordinated, aggressive push for all the genders, reassignments and elimination of stereotypes such as 'a real man' exemplifies toxic masculinity rather than is a protector.
yeah it's both turning people on each other and making government the one that is left over for protection. the same government that does all the evil crap to us. which is also humiliating, part of Dalrymple's point.
This is the insider political culture of corrupt politicians.
This is our entire reality at this point
This is why we must refuse, reject and ridicule the idea that men can be women. This is 2+2=5.