posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT +80 / -1

This is a scandal of a lifetime, the same company who sponsors the mainstream media who routinely touted their wonder drug as "safe and effective" is now saying that they NEVER tested for efficacy.

The same group who called the so-called "anti vaxxers" as the spreaders of disinformation, they are the same people who actually spread the disinformation that this wonder drug was "effective".

This is the biggest scandal of a lifetime, many people were shamed and humiliated into taking their drugs. Many were fired from their jobs, people denied health services and entry into businesses.

If the vaccine companies are continued to be allowed to have our tax dollars to continue on this charade, we deserve everything we get as a nation. I truly hope the American people realize who the bad-guys are, it's not the unvaccinated. Not the people smart enough not to fall for lies from vaccine companies like Pfizer who were sued for $2.3 Billion dollars.

No. And what is being done about social media? Are they still synchronizing the ban button on people who speak the truth? This is the New World Order, when the most powerful corporations conspire for the same result. The corporate fascist government willingly lies to people while in the pockets of the big corporations, government sets law or publicly announces mandates.. social media corporations around the world agree to silence any speech about safety or effectiveness of the drugs and soon, other corporations like banks and insurance businesses will start banning or denying services to people who spread "misinformation" about this continued conspiracy of medical terrorism.

This new revelation should scream aloud into the faces of millions who were swindled and should demand answers immediately. Don't let their entertainments and trinkets distract you.