If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. — Colossians 3:1
It never fails. It seems that many times around our house, I misplace something and end up having to look for it. I usually spend a few minutes looking for it and then I ask my wife, “have you seen it?” Sometimes that’s the end of my search. Other times, she may say no or even help me look for it.
Other times it is my wife or my son that may be looking for things and ask me if I have seen them. At times they need my help looking for them. If you are honest, there are no doubt times in your life where you go looking for something as well. Depending on how important the item is, that may decide how long we are willing to search.
We may not be willing to spend hours searching for a little trinket that we can simply pick up a new one for a small price. Yet, if we were to lose our wallet, keys, or phone, we will spend hours looking for them! They are valuable to us. We need them to travel, pay for things, or communicate.
The Greek word used in this verse that translated “seek” is zēteō, which means to seek with the intent to find. It also means to crave something. It’s an intense longing to find something. Paul says that if we are truly believers, we should seek the things of God with purpose and intensity. We should seek the things of God as if we could not go on without them.
As we go about our lives, what are we looking for? Do we look for comfort in this world or do we seek the things of God? Oh, that God would create in us a craving for the things of God. Such a strong passion and desire where we continuously want and desire more.
Jared Dyson
What I want in life is to have a job where I can work from home. It may sound selfish, but hear me out. I am currently working on 3 different projects to achieve that, so that when I do find a girlfriend/wife, I can be there for my kids and her if they need me. My significant other can work or be a stay at home mom, doesn't matter. I want to be the dad who can wake up early, get some work done, see the kids off to school, really buckle under while they are gone, and then be there for them in the afternoon until they go to bed.
I want to be the family man, if you catch what I am putting down.
You sound like you want to be a wonderful loving dad ! Perhaps God is preparing you to work from home so you can be with your kids as they do school at home! You sound as if you have a loving heart for children , please don’t send them out the door to wolves , no matter how great of a dad you are , the demons will have your kids everyday indoctrinating their minds ! home schooling is easier than it sounds! I will pray that God makes a way for you !