DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! This could be old news to many, just a reminder. Long read, but worth it, lots of truth revealed. This connected more dots for me. Coincidence?
Scripture Reference, The Trump Connection, Freemasonry, Symbols, Satanic Roots of Medicine(Big Pharma, HUGE PHARMA), Eugenics, DNA, so much in this information.
Makes point that Bible is a “Jewish” book. But one point often missed is the differences of terms Hebrew, Israelite and Jew which are not identical.
Bible is a Hebrew book. Jew is term meaning of Judah which is the southern kingdom. Which is but 2 of the tribes that were Israelites. Other 10 tribes are lost. Lots of Interesting theories on who and where they are and role in last days.
Please stop using the word Jew as the term for the descendants of Judah. The word Jew is a relatively new word, an all encompassing word for all of the descendants of the Hebrews, and various other non Hebrew peoples that converted to the Jewish religion at various times in history.
Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Jew derives from word for Judah.
The word Jew may derive from the word Judah, they are Not the same meaning. Judan's are of the Hebrew linage, but Not all Jews are. Do Not confuse.