Sorry, but this is nothing. Clocks are more often than not set to 10:10 or thereabouts because it is esthetically the best-looking time on a clock face. Look up wristwatch ads and see for yourself. Was like this for ages before Q was a thing.
No, but you see, the descendants of Rothschilds are actually white hats and they've been working together with Mickey and the CCP. You just don't get it. Too 5d chess for you, but I have insider information. That's why I know who's a white hat (everyone is); and who isn't. So don't be dooming by trying to point out that the key doesn't lie in the Mickey clock face.
Sorry, but this is nothing. Clocks are more often than not set to 10:10 or thereabouts because it is esthetically the best-looking time on a clock face. Look up wristwatch ads and see for yourself. Was like this for ages before Q was a thing.
No, but you see, the descendants of Rothschilds are actually white hats and they've been working together with Mickey and the CCP. You just don't get it. Too 5d chess for you, but I have insider information. That's why I know who's a white hat (everyone is); and who isn't. So don't be dooming by trying to point out that the key doesn't lie in the Mickey clock face.
With your inside information can you tell me: How many more weeks until it finally happens?
FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS! It's about to get crazy... It's about to go DOWN!
Hunt for Red October, am I right?! Wow, buckle up! The next seven days are going to be MINDBLOWING!