Was just reading this article from 1993 from another post here https://greatawakening.win/p/15K6gplcF3/all-america-must-know-the-terror/
And it got me thinking after it said New World Order- around 97/98 WCW made a group called the nWo and they were all about cheating and only looking out for themselves.
I wonder what the writers motivation was?
Could they have been part of the cabal or whatever and intentionally introduced the name to obscure the real up and coming NWO?
Or just trying to make money? They were super popular…
What do you guys think?
I was a huge fan of the nWo. Which led to my first small red pill. I was searching the Internet for nWo stuff, mostly looking for pictures that would make for a cool desktop, and I kept coming across stories about black helicopters, people getting followed by the men in black, and government sponsored kidnappings. Didn't make much sense at the time but showed me there were more "conspiracy theories" out there than area 51, bigfoot, and the loch Ness monster.
Check out the 4VKM channel on rumble or YouTube, I believe Vince McMahon has a hand in everything that is going on. Remember the nWo was an invasion of WWF guys into WCW and they actually did have full creative control over their characters. Really interesting rabbit hole. I