THE PLOT THICKENS: The David DePape Websites Have Multiple Issues - Shocking Connections
The Mainstream media is trying to claim that David DePape is a conservative who broke into the Pelosi hoe in San Francisco in an attempt to assault the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Nothing could be further from the truth. As you now know, David De...
Rumor has it this guy is a former fudge packer from Greenbay, Wisconsin. He was supposedly fired after it was discovered he was advertising as a traveling 'gentlemen fudge packer' specializing in aged fudge. His place of birth is listed as Spread Eagle, Wisconsin. He has also lived in Kaka, Arizona, Blue Ball, Arkansas, Threeway, Arizona, Ballplay Alabama, Dickshooter Idaho, Ramtown New Jersey, Little Dick Lake Minnesota, Bald Nob, Toad Suck, Wienier Arkansas, Ft Dick, Johnsons, Peters, Shafter, & Woody California. None of this has been verified but seems to have possibly lifted from his Berkley University application.