posted ago by McFartington ago by McFartington +54 / -2

I periodically drop this reminder when I see a cropping of the term pop in casual discussions.

Just like the CIA plants words such as "conspiracy theorists" to program and close off thinking, the same applies for the term "elites."

You think they don't want you to be subtlety reminded that they THINK they are better than you in every single way? What kind of reality does this create if you were to subscribe to that belief? It creates a narrative that you are the underdog fighting to take down the evil emperor who is vastly stronger, richer, and smarter than you. You are literally believing or succumbing to the fact that you BELIEVE they are better than you.

They are not better than you. In fact, We the People are vastly stronger, richer, and smarter than they are.

Words have power. Words are memes.

Don't use terminology that does not align with your beliefs. It only further gives power to those who should not wield it.