posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +20 / -0

Charles C. W. Cooke of National Review has this to say about Democrat lying:

About everything, that’s what. They’re lying about inflation -- which first wasn’t

going to happen at all, which then wasn’t going to happen for very long, and which

is now being blamed on a Russian invasion of Ukraine that started a year after

prices started to rise. They’re lying about their agenda -- which began as a New

Deal–sized transformation of America, which was then transmuted into an

“infrastructure” package that for a brief moment was sold as a $0-in-cost unicorn,

and which has finally and ridiculously been recast as a means of fighting the

inflation that, as of this week, the White House is calling “Putin’s price hike.”

They’re lying about gas prices, for which Joe Biden is or isn’t responsible

depending on the day you ask them, and which have inspired the most incoherent

set of policy answers in recent memory. They’re lying about Afghanistan -- which

was definitely not going to be a catastrophe, until it was a catastrophe, at which

point a catastrophe had been the plan all along. They’re lying about Florida’s

education policy, and about the nature and scope of science, and about the

motivations of the Supreme Court, and about American gun law, and about

anything else they can think of that might distract the public from the mess over

which they currently preside.