No, democracy isn't on the ballot, as Biden and other high-profile Democrats have been espousing lately in order to come up with some kind of narrative undecided voters might fall for. What's really on the ballot is inflation, sky-high food and gas prices, crime waves, and an open southern border where not just illegal aliens are pouring in, but also massive amounts of drugs that are killing people of all ages, races, and income. Also on the ballot is the brave new world of transgenderism that's in total denial of objective reality and doing insidious and irreparable physical and mental harm to the youth that fall prey to it.
Therefore, voters should think about their children and grandchildren as to which party is better at creating safe, secure, and affordable environments for them, and ultimately their future.
Here are the choices. One party hasn't talked about any solutions to these problems and is in fact making them much worse while the other one has done nothing but talk about how to resolve them. In fact, one party created these problems and the other one has been on campaign trails across the country offering the electorate thoughtful and reasonable solutions. In other words, one party is telling everyone how they're going to clean up the other party's mess. It's not a hard choice, especially when it's the safety and financial security of yourself and your family that's at stake.
You know it 💖
...doggy grins...