"One of the beautiful symbolisms given us in the book of Revelation is this one of the holy city "coming down from God out of heaven." When John said that this city comes down from God out of heaven, he wasn’t talking about coming down past Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars. He meant not that it would settle down over the mount of Olives or any other geographical location. In the Bible a city represents a government, and the "holy" city is a righteous government. It is not a man-made government. It doesn’t have a "Democratic," "Republican," "Reform," "Labor," or "Conservative" party. It emanates from God, out of the celestial or spiritual realm, that is, out of the heavens of the Spirit of God, and is established on earth through a heavenly, spiritual people. We often think with such carnal minds! We hear of a city "coming down from heaven" and imagine it appearing one night in the sky. Jesus once asked the Pharisees whether John the Baptist’s baptism was "from heaven" or from men. With the same carnal reasoning we could picture John’s baptism somehow mystically floating down through the sky and landing in the Jordan River! Of course, that’s not what Jesus meant. When He spoke of John’s baptism being "from heaven" He was simply asking whether it originated with God, or whether it originated with men. May the blessed spirit of revelation grant us the clarity to see that this city shall never rule until it has in all truth become the "holy" city, prepared, adorned, and "made ready." Oh, yes, she is being prepared and being adorned."
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"To look upon Him who sits on the throne is like looking at a dazzling jasper stone. To look upon the light that emanates from the city of God is like looking at a dazzling jasper stone. The light, the splendor, the majesty, the beauty, the glory of Him who sits on the throne is like a jasper stone. The light, the splendor, the majesty, the beauty, the glory of the city of God is like a jasper stone. It is the same light, for "her light" is identified by John when he says, "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof" (Rev. 21:23). Therefore — HIS LIGHT is HER LIGHT! When I look at Jesus I see a life, a nature, a truth, a ministry that is clear as crystal. When I look at God’s called and chosen elect I am beginning to see the same thing! The message is clear — the Lord Jesus Christ is the jasper stone! The truth and the life that He is, is as clear as crystal! He is described as a stone most precious. That is the glory of our Lord Jesus the Christ! But now John sees something else — he sees a whole city, a great city, a beautiful city, invested upon with all the scintillating brilliance of the jasper stone — the glory of God revealed in Jesus now is given to the saints of the Most High!"
"The glorious Son of God is the One in whom the unapproachable and incomprehensible light of God is made manifest! As we only know the sun by the light that shines from it, so is God’s Christ the outshining, the revelation of God’s glory! As the light that shines from the sun is one nature with it, so every son of God is of one nature with the Father! As the light that shines from the sun is one substance with it, so the sons of God are the very substance of God in the earth! Friends, Christ is the light, the light is within, it must break through, it must arise and shine, it must have pre-eminence in our hearts. The glory of God is the emanation or radiation of His nature, and as we are filled with His glory we radiate His nature to creation. This is the real purpose of our calling! The Christ within — not the doctrine of sonship, not the truth of reconciliation, not the word of the kingdom, not another man’s revelation, not another man’s faith, but your own INDWELLING LIGHT enables you to manifest as the One who is the light of the city! Other people can follow the wandering stars and the falling stars, vainly chasing after the illusive light within them, but, praise God, there is a people in whom the God of light is being formed and birthed, partakers of His divine nature, conformed to His image, a new life found within, even the light of life. As the light of God increases in the elect in this hour, we are being brought to the place where all our need is fully met by the INNER SUFFICIENCY of the indwelling Spirit, not from that which comes from without. Christ is not doing for us from heaven, or from anywhere outside of us, for He who is the light of the city dwells in the city!"
"John saw the city descending from God, and it is descending from God. With every message of God that is preached, the Holy City is coming down to earth. With every person that is born from above, thus becoming a citizen of that city, it is coming down to earth. With every saint who receives the anointing of the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, the Holy City is coming down to earth. With every member of God’s elect who grows up another step into perfection, into the image and likeness of the Holy One, the Holy City is coming down to earth. With every revelation that comes to us from the Spirit of God, taking us onward into the perfect fulfillment of God’s great plan and purpose in our lives, the Holy City is descending to earth. As the principles of the kingdom of God — righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost — are established in our lives, the Holy City is coming down from God out of heaven. When the nature and character of our heavenly Father are formed in us, and His precious mind rules our hearts, the Holy City is descending to earth. With every victory over sin and sickness, over limitation, darkness, and death, the Holy City is descending to earth. Beloved, it will continue descending with the development of the body of Christ into its full stature. All of this that makes us the city comes down from God out of heaven! That is the mystery. It will descend and descend and descend until the prayer that Jesus taught for sons is fulfilled: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."
Revelation 21:11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
"Clear as crystal" signifies that which has within it no impurities. It is uncontaminated by any mixture. There is nothing hidden, nothing concealed, nothing of self, sin, carnality, or the world that hasn’t been dealt with by His cross. There is no deceit, no false pretense, no mask, no outward façade covering a hidden agenda or false motive. It means that our life is an open book, we are what we appear to be — what you see is what you get! And what you get is all the love, grace, holiness, peace, purity, nature, and glory of the Christ within! It means that His life is being reproduced in us so that we all become as clear as crystal!
"New Jerusalem is indeed the "holy" city, the city of holiness. This is not a city of exterior holiness, or a religious holiness. This is the power of holiness when men’s hearts are sanctified completely unto God, because God is taking and separating unto Himself a peculiar people, dedicated, reserved, and committed as a bride completely and only unto Himself."
"John said, "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." "And I John saw the holy city." It must be a personal experience, "And I Preston saw the holy city," or "I Jane saw," or "I Sam saw," "I Richard saw." It has to be individual, you must see the city for yourself, for it is a spiritual reality which can only be known by the spirit of revelation."
"Paul said that we have received the "firstfruits" of the Spirit. And of the outpouring of that firstfruits we read, "And suddenly there came from heaven the sound of a rushing mighty wind…and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost." Heaven came down that day in the lives and experience of men. Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men! And He shall dwell with them! It’s not about us "going to heaven," my friend. It’s about heaven coming down to earth in the lives of men. That is the power and the glory of the kingdom of heaven on earth!"