posted ago by Lord_Moo ago by Lord_Moo +6 / -0

I had a few people ask for updates when I had more. There have been more... but nothing huge or coincidental besides just random guess and check.

However today being a big day, election day. This seems to be the alarm system if you will to activity. Whenever the posts go up, it seems arbitrary, for instance. They report on minor weather from time to time but miss medium grade stuff, or report a geomagnetic storm and forecast a few days of activity. It's so minor it's not even note worthy. These are always custom drawn, the archive (if it weren't broken) can still show you the not so formal work. It was a Q comm that got me thinking these were involved at all, too much talk. Time for show.

Please go here, it's a .gov website so it shouldn't be suspicious. It is as well it's the same website. I don't know why they both redirect and work identical.

Check the header for today. Notice a specific time? "On or about November 14, 2022, at 1700 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), the National Weather Service will deploy an update to the Planetary K index"

This is minor update stuff, not something that is important to broadcast. I don't have all the answers. I just wanted to show you guys that it is very "circumstantial" when these things happen.

There's a lot of dates/times and what not to reference Q codes with, if you love to speculate it's a playground, but it is indeed always broadcasting a lot of 17:00 before key events or on them, or pre-dating large ones. Just looking at what the messages say sound forced or you wouldn't normally say it that way and the biggest give away is it's lack of structure. It never says the same stuff twice, so it's all manual easier to avoid detection from sniffers, a technique given by Q to avoid detection of comms matches closely with what was given about it.

I just want some feedback, tell me what you guys think. Not taking it too closely to heart, I'm trying to just give observational feedback.