posted ago by Copperselectrons ago by Copperselectrons +17 / -0

Hey tho Im pro life, Im not even going to argue about that. But to voters that think they voted for prochoice bc omg abortion is a riiight (its not)--fine they think of it as they want the dumbasses. Fine pro choice but for some of their 'prochoice' candidates its promurder--not prochoice.

For any voter and some that call themselves Christian--for example my state, NV, if they voted for gov sissy--his position is up to 24 weeks. For the disaster of a person senator masto--she is for 40 weeks. BIRTH. Full term. This is murder.

Im going to initiate this conversation and every similar one with the ppl that voted so heinously. They need to realize what they are doing when they support these people.