I run an international meditation center school in ( ) country, we have students from all over the world... the students from western heavily pfizer moderna countries seem unable to meditate, this is a new phenomena, some report extreme anxiety, depression, a few even had psychotic breaks after being vaxxed... the Ruuskies can meditate no problemo....
...do you have any thoughts as to why this is happening?
...do you see correlation between this phenomenon and the reports of individuals saying,"they can no longer feel their soul/God" after the injections....
We're not sure yet, I 'm waiting for our branch centers to collect more data, the lockdowns sure didnt help, nor did the agreeing to the poison left handed path, but there may be something in the vaxxes contributing, I feel your last point resonates, I can see how the disconnect from Higher Source can occur via pcr, vax, virus- toxin & mask... like a really bad psy op, people are also getting very materialist commie nihilist brain wash via mainstream medias...
To protect, our seers tell us to be strong in the Lord.
Somehow disconnecting them from their Higher Mind...
...the reports of "I can no longer feel my soul/God" come to mind...
I run an international meditation center school in ( ) country, we have students from all over the world... the students from western heavily pfizer moderna countries seem unable to meditate, this is a new phenomena, some report extreme anxiety, depression, a few even had psychotic breaks after being vaxxed... the Ruuskies can meditate no problemo....
...excellent addendum...
...thank you for the insight...
...do you have any thoughts as to why this is happening?
...do you see correlation between this phenomenon and the reports of individuals saying,"they can no longer feel their soul/God" after the injections....
We're not sure yet, I 'm waiting for our branch centers to collect more data, the lockdowns sure didnt help, nor did the agreeing to the poison left handed path, but there may be something in the vaxxes contributing, I feel your last point resonates, I can see how the disconnect from Higher Source can occur via pcr, vax, virus- toxin & mask... like a really bad psy op, people are also getting very materialist commie nihilist brain wash via mainstream medias... To protect, our seers tell us to be strong in the Lord.