anyone re-visiting this idea that IF we regain majority control that maybe gets Trump in the SOTH role?
I know it's been discussed here a lot in the past but thought I would bring it back up for fresh thoughts...?
I imagine Nancy's head exploding if this were to happen
Me thinks Nancy has bigger fish to fry after being led out of her garage by two female LE officers and placed in the waiting vehicle.
When was this?
This reminds me of side of beef bigly
Do you know when this was? Very interdasting
Seven days ago.
I used to think the idea of Trump becoming Speaker and impeaching his way to presidency was a stupid idea.
Its still not an idea that I think is going to work, but I find itmore and more plausible.
But that also makes me think Trump is not going to do it, because if a moron like me can predict it, then its not the Trump play.
also adds intrigue for his big announcement set for Tuesday