He has set it up to appear like he is announcing his 2024 campaign. Every normie, every news station believes this will be it. But to me, that would be a huge let down. After 2020 he preached for months how the election was rigged and that we can’t let that stand. Clearly the voting procedures have not been fixed. We are witnessing a repeat of 2020. And Trump is calling it out again saying we can’t let it stand. If he announces a 2024 run right now, how on earth are we to expect the election won’t be another one like this? If he announces, especially right now, it is in essence him conceding not only 2020 but also 2022.
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I’m hoping it’s a “Storm” Speech….getting fatigued but I understand
Why do this to yourselves?
Real men datefag
This could be it.