City of Porto Alegre, the police came with orders to dissolve the protest in front of the Mil. HQ. Military officer came out of the HQ and sent the police away, saying first, the people have the constitutional right to protest, and second, the area around military HQ and barracks are not under the control of the police, but its also considered by law to be under military jurisdiction...bye-bye!
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When do we start doing this in the USA? We’ve tried the ballot box and all they do is steal our votes and mock us when we protest as election deniers, that we are “threats to democracy.” They are leaving us fewer and fewer options for our voices to be heard. They are cheating us of our Constitutional Republic and seem to forget the patriotic stock from American red blood that flows proudly through our veins.
We need to organize something that everyone will get onboard with. Left and right unite and attack the head of the snake. Money is the only thing they care about. What would f up the flow on money? Have a black out don't buy ANYTHING for a day or a week? Or maybe everyone call out of work on the same day nationwide? Would that make a difference? Idk the answer but I bet someone here is smart enough to figure it out. Just don't make it a left or right thing. Make it about real people against the elite so more will get on board.
Building a better world, instead of being angry at bad guys. By Paul Wheaton and Shawn something. Point is: if you heat your house with ultra-efficient wood heat and grow a large percentage of your own food and handle your health through anecdotal medicine, you suddenly aren’t feeding the monster so much. is a good resource. When you buy things, buy as locally as possible and from people you know. Practice frugality. Move towards a zero waste lifestyle. The less you spend, the less goes into their pockets.