I’m pretty sure I got a bad case of stones. I became so nauseous that I’ve had cold chills, headache, trouble breathing. I feel it in my side when I stretch or take deep breaths. I’m still urinating it’s a bit dark but not bloody. I hate feeling like this. It’s so miserable.
If you know any home remedies please share. I don’t have health insurance so the ER or home care are my only options. Walmart across the street.
Try cranberry juice or tablets, lots of water, really push fluids. If you have pain, there is likely infection which you will need antibiotics. Take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen for pain or naproxen and see if it lets up some. I literally just went through this. My kidneys hate me. Soda is a pretty good thing to avoid if you have kidney issues. Best of luck I hope you feel better soon.