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Is History Being Erased? God has a Plan

By Heidi Gloryfire March 15, 2022

Dream: I am out in the mountains in what looks like a miner’s town, standing at first on one side of railway tracks which go into a cave on the left. I am with my husband and daughter and from the right a train comes by. I am hoping there’s a memorial to Rob’s dad in that train, but it passes by and I don’t think it has one. Then I’m across the tracks from the town’s wooden buildings, recently constructed, and my friend is over there. Another train is coming from the east and I mouth the words to her to check to see if there is a memorial to my father-in-law on this next train. The train stops for a moment and my friend climbs in to ask the conductor this question and she hops back out and shakes her head to me, saying “No”. The train is an old fashioned type, black with white writing in different places all over the engine, names of vets that have died fighting in battles. But my father-in-law’s name is not there, representing the World Wars in the past. This trains had other names of people who had just fought this recent battle. In the dream I felt that HISTORY WAS BEING ERASED OR BURIED, being put into this cave vault. The dream continued and I found myself in the back of a vehicle in an open cart, on the way to work in the fields. We passed by a bakery where baked goods were displayed outside, free for everyone. I grabbed a bun as we went by, knowing that my work in the field would be my contribution to living in this community that had been like a place of resettlement after a war. It was a communal place, where everyone had a part to play in helping build this new place out in a remote mountain area.

In confirmation of my feeling in the dream that history was being erased or buried, I came across a news headline that Canada’s prime minister has ordered over 7000 historical archives to be deleted from the government records. My spirit leapt within me to confirm that my dream was a true dream of things to come.

Those in power may wish to erase history as much as they like, but truth will always prevail. God told Moses and others in the Bible to record the things that have happened, especially how God led His people and the miracles He did. We are to set up memorials as remembrance of our Godly heritage and even just to record events in history. The Bible itself is a record of history and of the good and evil events in the world and people that have lived.

There is something coming that is going to shake the world. We will be living a much simpler life, as Jesus once told me. But it will be a time of rebuilding and of God restoring what the enemy has stolen from us. A time of rejoicing is coming. Beauty for ashes, a rising up out of the dust. Dry bones will come to life again and flowers will bloom in the desert.

All is not dark on the horizon. There is a time of shaking and judgement for the unrighteous, but God will look after His own people. Some will become casualties of war but we will be in God’s hands, in the shelter of His wings.