"A Time of Divine Visitations and Promises Fulfilled" Yvon Attia, Miami, Florida Around late August, my husband Mina came to me and said, "I feel the time of fulfillment. I have a burden that with the start of the new month of September, promises will begin to manifest and be fulfilled in many lives." I knew God was saying something, with a specific direction to pray, but the Lord often will reveal little by little. As we press in, He reveals more and more. As September started to approach, I began to seek God for what was on His heart. One morning, I woke up to the sound of a gentle whisper telling me to open my Bible to Genesis 21. In total obedience, I ran to the Word and started reading. "And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken." (Genesis 21:1) Divine Visitations As I read these words, a sense of excitement began to fill my being, and as I started to take this verse into prayer, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit clearly point out that the month of September will be a month of divine visitations. Yet the purpose of these visitations is not to deliver a new promise, but rather to fulfill what was previously promised. I went back to read this powerful verse again. The Lord visited Sarah, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken. At that time, God started to take me on a journey and teach me about divine visitations. He pointed out that each divine visitation must always have a purpose. For example, God visited Abraham and promised him and his descendants the land of Canaan and to make him a great nation, and that the families of the earth would be blessed (see Genesis 12). Clearly, the time to fulfill these promises had not yet come. Later, God visited him again in order to assure him that He was going to have a biological child (see Genesis 15:1-5; Genesis 17:15-19). Another powerful visitation took place in Genesis 18:10 when, through one of His messengers, God said to him, "I will return to you about this time next year, and your wife, Sarah, will have a son!" Once again, Abraham needed to wait before he could see the fulfillment of this promise. (Photo via Picryl) Interestingly, he was ninety-nine years old at that time, and so it was impossible to see the fulfillment of the promise come to pass. Previously, Abraham tried to get God to agree that his servant, Eliezer of Damascus, would be his heir. God said, "This one shall not be your heir..." (Genesis 15:4). Once again, Abraham contended with God, saying, "How about Ishmael?" Once again, God said, "No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son..." (Genesis 17:19). In other words, "Abraham, you still need to wait and see the fulfillment of what I have promised you." At that time, God started to remind me of old promises which I had forgotten – impossible promises, dead promises, scary promises and unbelievable promises too. I was also reminded of people in my life who promised certain things and never fulfilled these promises. Then I heard God say, "I am unlike those who promise and never fulfill. When I promise you, I come to fulfill also – no matter how impossible the situation may seem, or how dead the situation looks." My spirit was so full of joy, and I continued reading. The Word clearly tells us, "For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him" (Genesis 21:2). The Bible is clear to specify that it was not Hagar who bore Issac; rather, fulfillment took place through the woman with a dead womb. "And Sarah declared, 'God has brought me laughter. All who hear about this will laugh with me. Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse a baby? Yet I have given Abraham a son in his old age!'" (Genesis 21:6-7) Promises Fulfilled Toward the end of August, as I was sharing this with my husband, he became overjoyed as the Lord was saying the same thing to him also. The Lord spoke with him clearly about the promise of the Father and how Jesus promised the disciples that He would never leave them, and He would send them another equal to and like Him. But they had to wait for the fulfillment of the promise. When Jesus ascended, the Father poured out the Holy Spirit; so there was a fulfillment and manifestation of the promise! My husband confirmed that just as this almighty promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled with a clear manifestation, so will many promises be fulfilled that have been delayed, hindered and even dead like Sarah's womb. But the Lord will visit many with divine visitations for the fulfillment of their promises. At that time, I found myself laughing with joy. God will visit His people to fulfill what He has previously promised them. There is no situation that's too hard for God. Nothing is impossible for Him. (Photo via Unsplash) I lifted my hands into the air and started to give Him praise for the month of September, and as I started to praise Him, I started to hear His sweet voice downloading this gentle word: The Time of Blessing "Are you ready to receive the month of divine visitation? Are you ready for divine fulfillment? You have waited long enough to see your promises come to pass. You have prayed, you have believed and now is the time. "In the natural, it's impossible; but when it's impossible for the world, it's possible for Me. When your promise is dead, that's My chance to show you that I am God Almighty, full of power and full of might. For Issac shall be born. I will be on time, not too early and not too late. "The fulfillment of My promises will bring laughter to you. You will no longer laugh because of unbelief, but because of bewilderment. You will be bewildered at My goodness; you will be bewildered at how those promises will unfold. You will laugh and others will laugh at what I am about to do. "Do not ask Me how. Is there anything impossible for Me? Trust Me with all your heart. Trust Me with your mind and know that I am opening a way; I am making room for you to prosper, making room for you to thrive. You will no longer be broken down. You will be receiving your breakthrough. For the King has desired your beauty; He has chosen you to show His glory, His majesty, His power. "Get rid of the work of the flesh. Cast out every scoffing thought of unbelief; cast out every doubt, for the time of your visitation has come. The time of blessing has arrived." Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! 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Yvon Attia