I know people are weary, tired, frustrated, or as some like to call it, "filled with righteous rage." But I believe there are many facets to the plan to save the world and every one is going to play a role.
You are weary, tired, frustrated, and filled with righteous rage because you are a facet of the plan. As human beings, we are naturally drawn to the truth. A gut feeling. That's what brought you here. That's what ultimately started you on this journey. A gut feeling. A gut feeling that Q was telling the truth. A gut feeling that there is something really wrong with this system. A gut feeling that God did not desert you in your time of need.
What is your role? It's to see through the veil and endure and swallow all the bullshit. Why? Because you're able to and a lot of other people are not yet. Why do you have to endure? Because in that endurance will come wisdom, discipline, stoicism in face of peril and doom. And you will be a rock on which your family and friends stand upon when the waves start crashing from the storm.
That's why you are being asked to endure all this while everyone else goes about living their regular routine lives. That's why on top of all the other responsibilities in your life, you were burdened with more. Because you were able to.
Because the others were not. I hope you understand this. This was never going to be an easy journey.
There is no "I'm done with this." You've seen too much. You know too much. And you know what's coming. Your friends and family need you, even if it doesn't appear that way right now.
Hell, not even family and friends, people everywhere is going to need you.
You were born to be a leader. Endure. Persevere. Fight. Win. Love. WWG1WGA
lmfao I kind of got into what I was writing and didn't even address what I started this post for.
The Precipice
Some of you guys believe we're already in it. Some of you believe it's yet to come. Some of you believe it's behind us and justice is on its way.
I believe it's yet to come. $9/gallon gas. $8/gallon milk.
Complete economic collapse (fortunately, I believe the white hats solution to this black hat financial terrorism is to arm as many people with shorted commodities, assets, and stocks which will blow up and give enough capital to retail for us to help family and friends in need)
Famine, plague, insects. Oh shit, are we going through the Moses arc?
They want us to eat insects. They are sending plagues on us. They are trying to create a famine. They are creating droughts. And they are trying to their your children away with vaccines. Blackouts, internet outages. It's already been happening in the rest of the world. Only time until it hits home.
Maybe the storm is when Moses parted the sea and closed up on Pharaoh and his army. Maybe there will be a moment similar to that.
I believe this is what the Q team has been preparing us for. It's like we were in training mode but we didn't even know what we are training for. But when the battle comes, just like a god damn movie, all the stuff we learned during our training becomes relevant and essential to the fight.
Kind of like the movie Moneyball.
I do believe that point in time is coming. And that point in time will come when things become so farcical and ridiculous that our solutions, thoughts, comments, opinions, become considered completely sane or inspirational.
We were just the guys who went online to see the leaks for the movie and have to sit through it since we know the ending.
We all know how this ends.
Anons, we need to dig. There were more messages communicated last night than we are initially aware of. Look into the symbolism on display. Gold everywhere. 20 flags--why 20? Why not 21, 19, or our fav #, 17? Dig, dig, and dig some more....what the actual heck happened last night? It's so much more, me thinks...DIG
Well said. I agree totally, not everyone is awake yet sad to say.