A while back I posted a help post about my Dad who was suffering massively after lockdowns and mainly psychologically after contracting covid in early Jan 2020, lets say almost December, the first wave. I've tried my best to do what I can from a different country, but he lost the plot completely, shaking uncontrollably, crying all the time, spent a year incapable of being left for five minutes, total destruction of an IQ 160+ registered Mensa genius. I don't really want to get too sepecific into detail about who he was out of privacy & respect, but in June he hung himself and I've been dealing with the fallout ever since. Completely vaxed although Q aware, put me on to JoeM for anons out there will understand, this was early on in the digital battlefield 2017. There is a clear and present danger to anyone high IQ that contracts covid and I'm not convinced the jabs are even worse. He was kind to people and animals and known locally as The Gentleman. To those of you lurking and pushing this Marxist vax shit, your time is up. I have no weapons, no malice, no intention to do anything violent. but I will dedicate my life to tearing you apart philosophically until your mind is as tortured as what you put my father through.
Thanks for the Info but my father didn't make it.
You are dealing with a loss that's beyond the norm if there is such a thing. So very sorry. You are however, quite correct. There IS a KNOWN correlation between HIGH IQ and COVID inflammatory response. I would say the neuro symptoms suffered by your Dad is in line with this, here is one paper that affirms for pediatric cases. "High intelligence may exacerbate paediatric inflammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 infection" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987721001961
Here is the other part, that seems to connect inflammatory response with depression: "So depression is an inflammatory disease, but where does the inflammation come from?" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3846682/
PS I fondly think of the Pilgrim's method of dealing with terrible threats to their families, they chopped off the heads of their marauders and stuck them on the posts of their compounds. As a warning.
The time may soon come when the lamposts around DC as thusly festooned.
Thank you for this link, very helpful.
These links just identify that the experienced phenomena is not a conspiracy theory but is legitimate.
However, there is no information on possible methods to combat the inflammatory responses that high IQ indivuduals are more susceptible to other than things that most high IQ individuals are doing anyways
Those are, noted from the study
and out of all of those, the last one seems stated in the study to be the best one for "combating" inflammation of the brain, but that requires a time machine.... so we are left with doing the things that most of us are trying to do anyways given the circumstances of our birth.
not sure where this quite leaves me... but knowing that its inflammation and its not just a conspiracy theory is a big step.
I've certainly felt "off" for absolutely no reason lately. I have stressors in life, but things have actually been getting better for me environmentally, but my mind is spirally downwards and feels like its on fire. The PCP just writes it off as "work stress" or "need more sleep", which is frustrating. I don't have money left for a specialist for myself, so I'm left trying to figure this out on my own.