I’d like you to take a notice. The eyes.
I have a theory that one of the jab’s outward signs is in the eyes.
I see a slight difference in the sizes of the eyes everywhere. By difference I mean the size of the eyes. Left vs right.
The jab I’d going to kill us…. But we won’t know until it’s too late
Interesting me an my girl noticed that too.
Also the coloration around the eye in the thin sensitive skin gains a slight purple to pinkish hue on all skin tones. My girl pointed this out to me. She can pick out out who Got-It and who doesn't by their eyes. I can too now.
She first noticed with people in person soon after they got jabbed. She then started noticing in some TV programs she watches and showed me how before the lock-down/jab, females had lots of different eye-shadow styles, there were trends sure, where many people would be doing a certain style. After the shows had missed a season and people began returning she noticed most of them have a new style. Even people who would normally use less makeup or have their own style have adopted this style. This new style has not changed since 2021 episodes which is odd because makeup styles usually change many times over the year as the season changes or new trends emerge.
We called this style the "Got-It" style. They darken around their eyes and enhance/fade into the purple and pink. She says this hides that the skin around their eyes looks ill. I noticed that even when they try to hide it you can still see a sickly pink color on the very edge where the skin touches the eye. Seems iridescent to me.
In the guys it is harder to hide, as she pointed out to me. Their eyes look like a SpecialFX department did a good job making them look like they were all exposed to a biological weapon. :( They have been ):
Also, she showed me how all these people look like they aged 5-10 years just since 2021. With the TV personalities I wondered if the rapid ageing could be due to lock-downs hampering their adrenochrome supply... far out theory right?
A lot can be analysed by an optometrist, a lot.