I was in a conversation recently, and no one else there had even heard of "Atlas Shrugged" or Ayn Rand or John Galt. One said they hadn't studied Shakespeare in high school. I imagine they did, but just don't remember. There seems to be an epidemic of people with CRS disease.
There are exceptions in the world. I saw a car today driven by an older black woman that had a bumper sticker "Who is John Galt?" I had to take a photo of that.
I was in a conversation recently, and no one else there had even heard of "Atlas Shrugged" or Ayn Rand or John Galt. One said they hadn't studied Shakespeare in high school. I imagine they did, but just don't remember. There seems to be an epidemic of people with CRS disease.
There are exceptions in the world. I saw a car today driven by an older black woman that had a bumper sticker "Who is John Galt?" I had to take a photo of that.
Seems we have a flock of these in my hometown due to the "infusion" of political activity over the past number of years. They are being exposed now.