I was hired for a really great role at a great company. Three Zoom interviews and no mention of the vax. The hiring manager told me upper management had loved me.
I was all set to begin work soon and then this email came:
“I hope you are well.
Would you please forward your proof of vaccination and boosters to us so we can have them on file?“
To which I responded that I was not vaccinated. Two days later they fired me in an email, saying should I wish to get vaxed, they would consider talking to me again.
Standing strong in my truth today, but it stings a little....
Seems illegal to ask for privileged health information. Keep copies of all their emails, you may be able to join in a discrimination lawsuit against that, and multiple companies, at a later date. I am not an attorney or giving legal advise, just a supposition on my part. You may find a better job on the horizon because God works in mysterious ways and often we are put to the test of holding to our beliefs in the face of adversity.
Vaccination status should be a protected detail under anti-discrimination policies. Sadly it isn't under the Civil Rights Act.
I hope one day it will be.