I watched a very important documentary about the return of Jesus Christ last night that gave me soooo much faith in his return. Based on Truth this video answered many Questions for me. It also explains some of why the prophecies are rarely talked about in church. I Pray that many will listen and spread the word, especially to the children.
I think Trump and Q know about it,
I also think that if he must come soon, Before the end of this world.
The movie is called 'before the wrath", and I watched it on purflix, there might be a free version out there. Hint--we do know he will come at night, what I don't get yet is the planet is never totally at night, now I have to investigate further.
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He said he would come "like" a Thief in the night. And calls the watchers to always faithfully keep watch lest they miss the signs of the coming arrival.
I do think the whole world will need to be dark physically. I would say the whole world will be dark spiritually. Which is now. There are bastions of light everywhere. But the vast majority are still lost in the dark.
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus is LORD. Just remember, no man knows the day nor the hour, and don't try to understand The LORD's plan too much or you will go crazy, because if you could understand the entirety of it, you would have to BE The LORD. And that is not possible and that is also, okay. HE made it simple enough for HIS mere creations to understand, HE Loves us. And we can show our love back to HIM by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who are lost and in need.
You are on Fire for Jesus though! And that is awesome!! Keep learning! Keep discerning!! Dig into HIS Word! And keep on rockin'!!!
This 👆🏻