Another Covid Vaxx Effect - People are going blind
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Here is a snapshot of recent stab ill-effects (Links to all the studies are embedded in this article ):
a longitudinal analysis conducted by the National Library of Medicine, which concluded that “The rate of injury in NFL players during weeks 1-4 of the 2020-2021 regular seasons was significantly higher than during 3 recent past NFL preseasons and regular seasons.” The first mRNA vaccine mandate came on the market in December 2020. The regular 2021 season began in early September, by which time most of the players would likely have been vaccinated. It was bad last year and clearly worse in 2022. Stamina and resilience, muscle and bone, have clearly been impacted.
Apart from mentioning the names of the injured and the nature of their injuries, none of the sportscasters and commenters seem willing to address the elephant in the locker room. It is known that practically all the players are vaxxed, with only rare exceptions like Aaron Rodgers. It is known that a soaring number of adverse effects have followed upon the introduction of the vaccines and booster shots, including the spiraling prominence of what is called SADS, or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, people popping off in record numbers, with no prior warning, to heart attacks, brain clots, and cancer. No one in authority, not even families who have lost “loved ones,” will mention this unprecedented medical anomaly, which is certainly not the result of COVID-19 — the “19” is long past. Autopsies have plainly shown that the vaccines are implicated, as does the timeline. Yet omerta prevails.
SLAY Magazine reports that recent data from Germany, based on insurance tables, show that “unexpected deaths have been skyrocketing since the end of 2020… jumping from about 6000 per quarter to 14,000 currently.” Similarly, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals a 13% rise in deaths during 2022.
A recent article in The Epoch Times compiles a large number of studies and clinical investigations dealing with the adverse effects of the vaccines. According to direct evidence published by medical pathologists at Heidelberg University Hospital, mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis via fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. Vaccinated patients suffered from autoimmune attacks on their own heart cells.
The findings, published on Nov. 27, 2022, established “the histological phenotype of lethal vaccination-associated myocarditis.” Other original studies come to the same conclusion. Epidemiological guidelines codified by the Bradford Hill criteria indicate that the relation between mRNA vaccine and injury is causative rather than correlational. Colleen Huber’s study of the nine elements comprising these criteria in her 2022 book Neither Safe Nor Effective posits a relation between “the vaccines and human health events, including higher rates of death from all causes.”