"This Is the Season of Change and Double Portion!" Amanda Grace, Fishkill, New York Word of the Lord received on November 23, 2022:
Praise be to the Lord of hosts, maker of Heaven and Earth, for the name of the Lord is good and His mercies endureth forever; who sits on the highest throne and rules with a rod of righteousness; who brings forth the rod of correction, and to His Kingdom there is no end! I Am Triggering a Current The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "YOUR HOPE, My children – YOUR HOPE – is in ME," says the Lord of hosts. "Your hope is not in man-made systems that are fallible, that are faulty, that grossly miscalculate, for their makers are faulty," says the Lord. "I AM triggering a current," says the Lord, "that will run across this nation – an electrical current as well. 'Supercharges' in the skies shall bring forth the unusual," says the Lord.
The Fixers Shall Be Exposed The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "The FIXERS shall be exposed; yes, the fixers," says the Lord, "those who have been paid by means of digital currencies and notes to FIX events in your nation in their favor; to try and FIX and cause a very, very skewed outcome in more ways than one," says the Lord of hosts. "For this is beyond elections," says the Lord, "far beyond the elections. For they not only desire to FIX this nation in their favor, but KEY countries of resource and influence around the world." Watch Zimbabwe The Lord of hosts says, "They are examining AFRICA closely," says the Lord, "for what is in the earth is much desired, and a resource lies DEEP in the earth that has not yet been uncovered. And the corrupt and those bound by mammon and greed, who serve such powers and principalities, are narrowing in on such countries," says the Lord. "Watch Zimbabwe for events of such a nature." Discoveries Will Emerge on the West Coast The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Near the West Coast, the current shall switch, for a sequence that has been switched shall be discovered and reversed. For there is a sequential, mathematical code that has its tentacles throughout those states on the West Coast; throughout their commerce system; throughout their election system; throughout their corporate systems. And deep [is] its cavernous dwellings; the head lies deep within the government of more than one state who are working in tandem to attempt to dry up the lakes." The Lord of hosts says, "This cavernous dwelling shall be discovered amongst the West Coast states. A buried disk shall emerge as they have attempted to purge the people of their voice. However," says the Lord, "their vocal box shall be taken instead. Their stump shall be suddenly removed from under them. For I the Lord thy God say this day: The tide has just begun to turn, and the high tide they have used to cover their dealings is going out, and what is on the FLOOR shall be discovered," says the Lord. A Changing of Lanes for My Anointed and Appointed The Lord of hosts says, "The races set before those I have anointed and appointed for leadership – the lanes shall suddenly SWITCH and change. A changing of lanes," says the Lord, "is coming as I the Lord your God steer you through this turn. For this turn is in tandem with the standard I am raising in your nation; it must work in tandem. And I the Lord am decreeing this day to leaders: YOU UPHOLD THAT STANDARD OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED. DO NOT ABUSE YOUR SEAT, BUT USE IT AS A TOOL TO REBUILD, FOR THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION, THE RUBBLE THAT WAS LEFT." Snakes Will Be Found in DC The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "SNAKES IN WASHINGTON, DC WILL BE FOUND IN UNUSUAL AREAS. The boroughs that have been made, that have compromised the entire system, shall be found and closed up," says the Lord. The Lord of hosts says, "There is another country that shall yet be discovered for dealings with those high in office. There is another," says the Lord, "and it has had a secret channel from the area of South America, connected across the oceans to Ukraine. There are other dealings of business and weaponry that shall be discovered. For the largest gun-running operation, whose sticky fingers reside in leadership in your nation, shall be exposed. The hour is quickly approaching." Shaking the Paper-Doll Leaders The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "My children, in this hour, cleave unto ME. Do not look to man as a savior, for man is fallible; man wants to steer OUTSIDE THEIR LANE. A hard correction shall bring it back into alignment, for I the Lord am bringing a hard correction to leadership across arenas," says the Lord. "Judgment begins in the house of God," says the Lord, "and what has been done in secret of you leaders, as in Ezekiel in the inner room, thinking no one sees...HOWEVER, I HAVE SEEN," SAYS THE LORD. "A THIRST FOR CONTROL, UNHOLY ATTACHMENTS, DRINKING YOUR WAY INTO DARKNESS; AND YOU HAVE PUFFED YOURSELVES UP," SAYS THE LORD. "What was supposed to be the example – the standard – has become like fools," says the Lord. "Therefore, I am suddenly shifting; a sudden gust of wind shall knock over the paper buildings and what is not firmly rooted in Me," says the Lord of hosts. (Photo via Flickr) "For I the Lord, in this hour, am shaking the thin paper-doll leaders – no substance...thin and frail in their spirits. Those covers shall be removed," says the Lord, "for they have brushed to the side their first love for a name that is not Mine," says the Lord. "It is not Mine, and that standard I am so raising is the plumb line being dropped to measure the worthiness of leadership in the Church, in the government, in sectors. "The plumb line is being dropped hard and fast on the giants of social media. For it shall take one simple stone – what does not look dangerous but shall collapse parts deep within their empires, including the mainframe," says the Lord. The Mainframes Are Losing Their Power "THE MAINFRAMES ARE LOSING THEIR POWER," SAYS THE LORD. "TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK... ALL THE WAY TO THE FAR EAST SHALL SUFFER SUCH A COLLAPSE AT ITS CORE – AT THE HEAD OF A COMPANY ACROSS THE GLOBE – THAT IT SHALL SHOCK THE FAR EAST; IT SHALL SHOCK THOSE IN THIS NATION; IT SHALL SHAKE AND RATTLE THE ENTIRE ARENA OF SOCIAL MEDIA THAT PERSECUTES FOR SPORT, THAT SPIRIT OF ROME WOVEN WITHIN IT – A DIGITAL ARENA OF PERSECUTION AND PROPITIATION," SAYS THE LORD. "WATCH AND SEE. IT'S COMING..." The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "A FACE SHALL LOSE ITS *BOOKE, for this standard is the measuring line," says the Lord. "One leader in that arena shall fall on their knees and repent before Me; others will just fall, for the ground that holds their empire shall split open and swallow up whole parts of what THEY HAVE BUILT," says the Lord. [*The spelling of booke is intentional, as its an ancient spelling for the word book.] The First Quarter of Your Year Shall Be Crucial The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Purim and Passover events in tandem... Watch, for the first quarter of your new year shall be CRUCIAL, and it is there [that] a serious change of heart must be made, for the grace shall thin past that, and those who have not allowed such a change shall suddenly fall off; they shall fade away, for I the Lord EXPECT THOSE TO STEWARD WELL THE POSITION AND INFLUENCE I HAVE GIVEN THEM." A Flip in Israel The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Another flip in Israel shall ruffle the nations that surround. The Abraham Accords shall be tested, and some shall break the agreements made amongst these nations. For Isaac and Ishmael came together for a time and, for the safety of Isaac, were sent away, only to return for a brief time to bury their father – a brief time," says the Lord. "For I the Lord need to be in the midst for such to be on solid ground; however, the ground is becoming shaky, and an incident involving Jordan and surrounding nations shall put these to the test." The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Netanyahu, Netanyahu, BENJAMIN, SON OF MY RIGHT HAND, USE YOUR POSITION WISELY," SAYS THE LORD. "DO NOT USE SUCH TO GET YOUR FINGERS STICKY, FOR IT GETS CAUGHT THEN ON WHAT IS DESTRUCTIVE," SAYS THE LORD. "BE CONSTRUCTIVE. REBUILD WHAT YOUR OWN (WITH THE HELP OF BROTHERHOODS) TRIED TO DESTROY. PUT YOUR HAND TO THE PLOW. KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME, ADONAI, WHO HAS CALLED YOU FOR SUCH A TIME. YOU JUST FOCUS ON ME AND LISTEN FOR MY INSTRUCTION FOR YOUR SEAT TO BE STABLE. FOR PLANS ARE BEING MADE TO ALREADY TAKE YOU OUT [by the enemy], FOR YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE POWER TO TRAMPLE UPON SERPENTS AND SCORPIANS AND AGAINST ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY, SO NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU. "DO NOT LET SERPENTS AND SCORPIANS NEAR YOU AGAIN, FOR THEY STUNG AND ISSUED A SEVERE BITE LAST TIME; FOR YOU VENTURED WHERE I DID NOT WANT YOU TO GO. MY MERCY HAS ALLOWED YOU FOR THIS TIME. USE IT WISELY AND LISTEN TO COUNCIL WHO FEARS THE LORD MOST HIGH MORE THAN THEY FEAR MAN, FOR THIS SHALL BE YOUR GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT YET, IF YOU SO DO." Watch the Hudson River The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Rivers run into greater bodies of water; they run into lakes; they run NEAR quarries. Rivers are a smaller stream of a greater and deeper area. Follow the river to the lakes and the depths of the sea. The Hudson River," says the Lord. "Just watch for – going north in NY – what gets pulled from the deep. For their feet are on ICE and a fall is imminent. For they have challenged the Lord and MY PLANS, and for that there shall be correction." Ingest the Scrolls I Present Before You The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Washington, DC to Florida; just watch for a series of events that shall prove to be VERY connected," says the Lord. "O businessmen and women, humble yourselves before ME. Come unto ME, you who are heavy laden, and I SHALL GIVE YOU REST. [IF] YOU REST IN ME, YOU SHALL RUN A STRONG RACE, FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN YOUR WEAKNESS. REST IN MY PLANS. (Photo via Hippopx) "SOME ARE ALREADY SEEKING ME," SAYS THE LORD, "AND FOR THAT I SHALL HONOR THEM AMONG MEN, AS THEY PROCLAIM THE NAME OF THE LORD AND MY PLANS; FOR THIS IS THE ORDER IT SHALL BE. "DO NOT INGEST THE BITTER SCROLLS BEING HANDED TO YOU, FOR THE OPPRESSIVENESS OF THOSE WORDS SPOKEN SHALL WEIGH YOU DOWN. INGEST THE SCROLLS I THE LORD SHALL PRESENT BEFORE YOU, FOR THOSE WORDS CARRY POWER THAT BREAK THE AIRWAVES OF THE ENEMY THAT SO WANT TO INDOCTRINATE THE MASSES. HOWEVER, I AM PRESENTING YOU [WITH] SCROLLS OF STRATEGY, SCROLLS OF GOOD NEWS, SCROLLS OF PLANS TO COME. "YOU MUST KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHAT THE ENEMY IS ATTEMPTING TO FEED YOU AND WHAT I THE LORD AM PRESENTING BEFORE YOU, FOR THE FORK IN THE ROAD IS FAST APPROACHING AND YOU MUST CHOOSE. CHOOSE WISELY," SAYS THE LORD, "FOR YOU SHALL COME INTO ALIGNMENT WITH MY PLANS IF YOU DO, AND IT SHALL SURPASS ANYTHING THE WICKED CAN DO – ANY PIT, ANY PLOT, ANY SCHEME, ANY SLANDER, ANY STORY, ANY RECONFIGURATION. IT SHALL SURPASS THAT AND CAUSE THE ENEMY TO BE BROUGHT TO CONFUSION FOR THINKING THEY COULD EVER OVERTHROW THE PLANS OF ALMIGHTY GOD." This Is a Season of Change The Lord of hosts says, "This is a season of change, My children, breaking away what was weighing you down – what was of the flesh. This season you shall be broken away from such things and circumstances for your good, not for your harm. For there are those out there who have stepped into a bear trap and their foot is caught, and MOVING will be difficult. For they have listened to those who have turned a deaf ear to Me and have gone the way of LOT. "My ways are higher than your ways and MY thoughts higher than your thoughts. For I am repositioning you, setting your feet on the right path, protecting you and walking you through these doors that were meant for you. Others attempted to take what I meant for you, and I the Lord am bringing that correction and shielding you from such; for too much growth with shallow roots leads to a collapse. "Remember...as you go deeper with Me and higher than you ever have, get ready, for the hour is upon you; and know it is Me, the Lord your God, speaking to you this day. For I love MY children and I instruct for your good, not for your harm. HEED IT, for the ones who do will be greatly blessed and prosper, for they carry a strong mantle. "A double portion is being poured out in this hour. This double portion is double edged. For those who have been faithful, it shall elevate them even more; it shall cause them to walk in greater power and authority through Christ Jesus. And for those who have strayed and wandered into areas I the Lord NEVER permitted them to go, that double portion shall be correction – sobering," says the Lord. Justice Poured out Upon the Justice Department "I am merciful; however, I also am JUST. Justice shall be poured out upon the Justice Department," says the Lord. "Watch as the gavel of justice, the rod, shall come down on the heads and trickle down into their mainframes. For they were supposed to carry out JUSTICE and instead have twisted it as the serpent, and that serpent of their own making shall now bite them. The Winter Makes Way for Spring "The hour is coming; the standard is being raised; the banner of the Lord is upon your nation. Look to ME, not man, for I the Lord am executing the plans and purposes; for godliness and holiness MUST RETURN TO YOUR NATION AND YOUR LEADERS IN ORDER TO SEE REDEMPTION BLOOM. THE WINTER MAKES WAY FOR SPRING WHERE I THE LORD SHALL PASS OVER. THUS SAYETH THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE KING OF KINGS WHO RULES AND REIGNS FOREVER MORE. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, AMEN AND AMEN."