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THE TWITTER FILES (3): Release the Files On Twitter’s Enabling ADL, SPLC Censorship! UNZ REVIEW JASON KESSLER • DECEMBER 20, 2022

The Video on ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@TheMadDimension:8/ADL-SPLC-Twitter:7

If Elon Musk is serious about rooting out the censorship and bias on Twitter, there is no more critical threat to global free speech than the multi-billion-dollar Censorship Lobby including groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Transparency requires Musk to release the “Twitter Files”—its internal documents—on the backchannel influence these groups have exerted on Twitter moderation decisions.

While both organizations have the same objective—the suppression of conservative and nationalist speech online—they aim to achieve it in different ways. The SPLC partners with vicious Antifa gangs to dox and harass political dissidents, while the ADL flexes its frightening influence over the federal government and Silicon Valley, in collaboration with many current and former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials.

These Left-Totalitarians brag about training law enforcement in their twisted view of the U.S. Constitution as they work to turn online media into an iron fist for suppressing dissent under the guise of controlling “hate” and “violence.”

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey initially placed both organizations on Twitter’s (recently dissolved) Trust and Safety Council, which recommended policies on censorship.

As profiled in my earlier work for VDARE.com, SPLC lead spokesthug Michael Edison Hayden is a proudly self-proclaimed “antifascist” who regularly incorporates Antifa doxes in his reporting, uses Twitter to coordinate with fellow extremists, communicates with Twitter officials about deplatforming decisions and uses his account to promote the most notorious Antifa ideologues:

More: https://www.unz.com/article/the-twitter-files-3-release-the-files-on-twitters-enabling-adl-splc-censorship/