I was just reading through some Q posts and of course landed on the most recent again and found myself scratching my head. I’m sure when it was initially posted back in Nov that there were some great theories but sadly I missed all the talk. Who put what in our DNA? Why was it put there? I’m confused and I know this community has some truly brilliant people. Would love to hear some of the communities thoughts on the post and what it could mean… thank you so much frens!
Edit - Thank you so much for the replies! This community always amazes me!
Sometimes......there is a bit too much guessing on these boards.
This one is REALLY SIMPLE.
Patents. ie. CONTROL
Patents CAN NOT be given for anything that is found in Nature.
That's why COVID-19 is Patentable. It's not found in Nature. Remember, Viruses don't exist, so the Vaccine IS the cause of the DISEASE. Everything before hand was statistic manipulation and narrative control. There was no Virus outbreak, EVER. Never was, never will be. You can go back through history and they have used the "VIRUS" narrative to control populations MANY, MANY times.
The main idea of creating the COVID-19 disease is that the MRNA in the vaccine alters human DNA.
When a HUMAN decides to ALTER their NATURAL DNA of their OWN accord, they now become PATENTABLE as they are no longer NATURALLY DERIVED.
Obviously I don't agree with this logic but this is the idea behind the DNA Alterations.
The LONG TERM plan of these evil societies is to create 2 CLASSES of HUMANS on this planet.
The Rulers who are NATURAL and the Worker Class who are all NOT NATURAL/ NOT OF GOD/PATENTABLE or.... LEGALLY OWNED/CONTROLLED.
Thank you!