The satanists will do anything to humiliate us, however I truly see what they are, I am unmoved and state that I do not consent to their machinations. They own the karmic retribution now. In fact they always did, because they do not really understand the law of cause & effect.
Transgenderism is a mental disease. Not hard to figure out why the CDC is involved.
FTA: According to them, their new tool is supposed to improve “health and academic success of all youth.”
All federal agencies: Lies, lies and more lies.
...massive male bovine excrement....
The satanists will do anything to humiliate us, however I truly see what they are, I am unmoved and state that I do not consent to their machinations. They own the karmic retribution now. In fact they always did, because they do not really understand the law of cause & effect.
...hold the line Patriot...
I will maintain an offensively defensive hold. 😼
...doggy winks...
...aggressively maintaining one's position.... have a firm grasp of the situational reality...