to put this as simple as possible. Is the economy going to dump more and then eventually go back up, indicating a buying opportunity in stocks, real estate, etc. Or is all going to zero? Would I be safe if I invest in good companies or is it not worth it all,because the USDollar may go to zero? What are your thoughts? Should I take this as a buying opportunity or embrace the possibility of a complete financial collapse where my money is now toilet paper?
Im just a broke trade school student unsure about this whole shitty clown show, and dont want all of my money to go down the drain.
To go off topic a bit, Would trump even let that happen, because if you introduce a new financial system, what are you going to do if millions of hard working middle class Americans lose all their wealth from the old system?
This was good advice 2-3 years ago. Now it is bordering on bad.
Do not invest right now other than physical assets. Save your money, put it in Roth IRA or decent savings you can find (4.5% or so is about best around from what I’ve seen and that’s with minimums required to be met)
Stock market is extremely volatile and extremely high. It MIGHT go back up, but it is likely going to tank further … consider how far it has tanked in 2022 then look at how overly inflated it has been the last few years (more if u wanna get super technical)
Invest in only tangible things otherwise expect to lose money in stocks, even commodities and solid/reliable markets - now is a bad time to jump in the game.
Just my two cents
Roth IRAs and savings accounts are controlled by the same entities that control normal brokerage accounts and 401Ks, so when the forced liquidations start they disappear too. So if you're going to do anything with stonks, make sure you have them direct registered.
For a situation to play out that you’re referring to, where everyone’s Roths are fubar, would mean an entire nuking of the system. Beyond that, roths are fdic … and also I would expect more bailouts are on the table as dumb as that would be.
Regardless it seemed OPs phrasing was not of an ultra doomsday prepper “what will trade best in the post apocalypse - booze, pills, gold or women” and was more of a sensible question of “i don’t think it’d all going to go nuclear, but it’s so crazy I’m not sure what I can invest in to guanratee an earn off my extra cash”
Thanks for not being a dick like the other guy.