posted ago by Jfredpillforever ago by Jfredpillforever +37 / -0

My uncle, asked me to go with him to Atlanta to Emory for a 1 year checkup! He is doing fine … so first thing in …. Do you have a mask, well no I don’t…. So they hand me one…. Next station ask about the mask I say yes it in my back pocket ! He said for your Heath would you’d you please put it on…. I say ok if it woud make you feel better… he says it is for your health, sir! At least three times! I became a target for him! Many times he would come yell at me I would put the mask on… as soon as he walked away I would take it off! This went on for six hours … he was so frustrated, and I was so happy int the end we had an impact on at least 100 folks during the day… all sheep, all day I was masked for 3 minutes out of six hours! And I had fun… I asked him would he let me go again… he said he’ll yes!