I found it amusing that just as Quotative Easing was forced to stop by Trump, they rolled out the China Virus fear campaign. Wasn't Q4 2019 the last quarter for QE? Oh boy, back then I was so optimistic. I wish we could turn back the clocks.
Dude same. Was just explaining this in another thread, the level of hope back in Q4 2019 and then Q1 2020 it all came down to a crashing halt. Nothing but extreme loss after extreme loss starting in Feb of 2020.
Sadly the whole thing has felt like they were outmaneuvered by a series of plays they had no counter for throughout 2020. Everything since has been questionable decisions at best from Trump and team, with frequent horrible calls sprinkled throughout.
I found it amusing that just as Quotative Easing was forced to stop by Trump, they rolled out the China Virus fear campaign. Wasn't Q4 2019 the last quarter for QE? Oh boy, back then I was so optimistic. I wish we could turn back the clocks.
Dude same. Was just explaining this in another thread, the level of hope back in Q4 2019 and then Q1 2020 it all came down to a crashing halt. Nothing but extreme loss after extreme loss starting in Feb of 2020.
Sadly the whole thing has felt like they were outmaneuvered by a series of plays they had no counter for throughout 2020. Everything since has been questionable decisions at best from Trump and team, with frequent horrible calls sprinkled throughout.
Like the Guiliani hair dye fiasco…what a mess
Been one long neverending humiliation campaign