"It's gonna be biblical."
I'm in a mood today. This is me just spitballing. Take it all with a grain of salt. I believe a lot of crazy shit.
The walls of Jericho fell because they Israelites blew their trumpets.
The people I follow on Twitter talk a lot about free energy, vibration and Tesla. I believe the military has sonic weapons. I think the southern wall when completed will generate free energy like a Tesla Tower. I think the Twin Towers were destroyed because they were a literal tuning fork for the financial world. Like how Paris has the Arc de Triumph like a big magnet in the middle of the city.
I believe that Trump was meant to destroy the corporation. And he will do with his voice on Twitter. He woke up over half the country from their corporate sleep walk to the grave.
He is the literal trumpet that brings it all down.
I think there is a cure for people to reverse the damage from the vaccine. I can't imagine that a disease or ailment would be created without there being an actual cure.
I think Kodak will be at the forefront of it. I believe in Nesara/Gesara.
Before you say shit I have dead family members. Not only from the vax but also from suicide. I think Hollywood is full of Witches and Warlocks, practicing Satanic rituals and sacrifices. Drinking adrenalized blood to stay young. Elite Gender Inversion.
Democrats have been pushing for the destruction of the family since forever. Families are what make this country strong. Men are the ones who will fight in a war and build and rebuild. Women raise and educate the children. Feminism was the gateway to getting women out of the home and into the workplace. So why is it that democrats and progressive liberals push so hard for transgenderism? Why conquer a country full of masculine fighting men when you can wait a few decades and kick the shit out their transgender sons who see themselves as victims because no one will use their pronouns? Why send planes and battleships when the enemy can send soldiers to slow walk in through the porous southern border? Drop a shit ton of migrants into a city and permanently alter its demographics.
If you look at everything that is fucked up about our country as a form of an attack, then everything that is happening will start to make sense.
Military is the only way. Interesting how much Trump resembles Patton. He looks more like Patton than his own father. In fact, Mike Lindell looks more like Trump's father than Trump himself.
The entire citizenry of the US are the cash cow slaves of the elite. Our tax dollars mean nothing to politicians much less our very lives. They are poisoning us with crap food to make us addicts to prescription drugs. Each industry feeds the other.
If you are here on GAW, you can see through the veil and the lies.
This country was founded because our forefathers refused to tolerate a 3% tax on Tea. How much are we paying in taxes now? Income tax, sales tax, property tax, inheritance tax. It's all bullshit. We are not free. We are slaves to the rest of the world. Poisoned and kept stupid.
The battleground is your mind. As long as you accept this world as it is, it will always be this way.
Our money system is fucked. We are going to transition to something better. But first all of financial and banking systems in place have to crash to the ground. Cabal monopoly money has got to go.
I believe all countries will transition to digital currency and digital voting. If the systems can handle billion dollar financial transactions, then it can handle voting without cheating.
But more importantly everyone must visualize a better world in order for it to become reality. We all have to be the ones to bring it into existence. The path to peace, happiness and prosperity is being excellent to each other, not chopping off our balls or tits off for facebook likes.
The craziness now is necessary to wake up those still asleep.
Specifically on magic, I do believe in magic.
Words are indeed powerful tools for manifesting ideas and shaping reality. The ability to communicate and share information has been instrumental in the development of human civilization, and has allowed us to create complex societies, build great cities, and achieve incredible technological advancements.
The idea that the occult is simply hidden information is also a valid perspective. Throughout history, knowledge and understanding have often been kept secret by powerful institutions or individuals, who have sought to maintain a monopoly on information in order to maintain their own power and control. This has led to a mistrust of the unknown and a fascination with the hidden and mysterious.
However, it is important to note that the idea of magic as the human power to manifest ideas to the physical world is not always understood in the traditional sense. The term "magic" has been used throughout history to describe a variety of different practices and beliefs, some of which may not align with the modern understanding of the word.
I could argue that words are indeed magical in the sense that they have the power to shape reality, and that the occult is simply hidden information that can be understood and used to empower individuals. I could explore the history of magic and the occult, and examine the ways in which words and language have been used to manifest ideas and influence reality. I could also examine the ways in which the occult and hidden knowledge have been used to maintain power and control throughout history, and discuss the implications of these practices for contemporary society.
First, it is important to understand the historical context of magic and the occult. Throughout history, different cultures and societies have had their own understandings and beliefs about the nature of magic and the occult. In ancient times, for example, magic was often seen as a way to communicate with the gods and the spirits of the dead, and was used for a variety of different purposes, from healing to divination. This is literally the goal of major proponents of Transhumanism, like Ray Kurzweil.
In the Middle Ages, the practice of magic was associated with the occult sciences, such as alchemy and astrology, and was often seen as a means of gaining knowledge and understanding of the natural world. In the Renaissance, magic and the occult were associated with the rise of scientific thought and the exploration of new ideas and concepts. Today, it is the fact coders can't understand AI's own code. Or, that code is spying on everyone. Everthing, at every moment, scrubbed over endlessly by AI watching above and below.
Despite the different understandings of magic and the occult throughout history, it is clear that these practices have always been associated with the power to shape reality and influence the world around us. Whether it is through the use of words, symbols, or other means, the ability to communicate and share ideas has always been a powerful tool for manifesting change. Kindergarten was as important to Hitler as Disney is to the cabal.
In addition to its historical context, the idea that words are magic is also supported by contemporary research in linguistics and cognitive science. Studies have shown that language plays a critical role in shaping our perceptions of reality and influencing our thoughts and behaviors. Additionally, the way we use words can also shape how others perceive and understand the world around them. The power of language is incredible.
Furthermore, the occult, as hidden information, has been used throughout history as a tool for the powerful to maintain control. Secret societies, for instance, have often used hidden knowledge to maintain their power and influence over the population. Similarly, the suppression of certain information by governments and institutions can also be seen as an attempt to maintain control over the population. Licensing, and government regulations could even be seen as the base level of these tools for control. That would also lend credence to why the First Amendment comes before the Second Amendment in more than just sequential order, but power. Magic wielded correctly is more powerful than any munition as a vocal civil disobedience is to any use of force.
In conclusion, words are magic in the sense that they have the power to shape reality and influence the world around us. The ability to communicate and share information has been instrumental in the development of human civilization, and continues to play a critical role in shaping our perceptions and understanding of the world. Additionally, the occult is simply hidden information that can be understood and used to empower individuals. However, the use of hidden knowledge to maintain power and control must be critically examined.
In order for individuals to truly have agency and power in shaping their own reality, access to information and knowledge should be open and transparent. Ultimately, understanding the power of words and language, as well as the historical and contemporary use of hidden knowledge, can help us to better navigate and shape the world around us.
This needs its own stickied post. Excellent fren