posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +19 / -0

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. — Ephesians 6:11

My dad has often shared a story about my sister that is funny. Once, she was baking some cookies. He said they came out of the oven, and they looked good! As he tells the story, he said the cookies smelled great, and he was excited to eat one of the cookies after it came out of the oven.

He said that he took a bite of that cookie, and while it looked like a cookie, it didn’t taste like a cookie. My sister had left out a key ingredient from the recipe. He bit into the cookie, expecting the taste of a great cookie, but instead, he was met with something that ended up being thrown in the trash.

Having all the key ingredients in place when you are making cookies is important. Each one plays an important part. It can have the appearance of a cookie and even smell like a cookie. But leave out a key ingredient, and it will not taste like a cookie.

The same goes for our lives. We go through our lives and fill them with dozens of things. On the outside, our lives may look ok. We may talk the Christian talk, act like we are above sin and the challenges of this world. Yet, we often leave out a key ingredient in our lives. As Paul describes it, to make it in this life we must put on the whole armor of God!

Our lives may look put together on the outside, but on the inside, we are struggling. Maybe you find yourself missing a key ingredient. Maybe it’s giving your life to Christ and accepting Him as Savior. Maybe we lack faith, truth, the Bible, prayer, or any of the ingredients that are described here. Today would be a great day to add the missing ingredients to your life. The adversary we face in life is too strong and powerful for us to battle when we are missing key ingredients.

Jared Dyson