Klaus Is going to hell soon… whenever God decides to let the wheels of justice turn. He needs to be tried in a court of law and at the minimum be locked away for the rest of his years. And his buddies Gates and Soros can join him! These guys think we are so dumbed down and uninformed that they have this shit in the bag. Unfortunately for them the highly miscalculated their enemy.
Klaus Is going to hell soon… whenever God decides to let the wheels of justice turn. He needs to be tried in a court of law and at the minimum be locked away for the rest of his years. And his buddies Gates and Soros can join him! These guys think we are so dumbed down and uninformed that they have this shit in the bag. Unfortunately for them the highly miscalculated their enemy.
Just wondering if he lives in an alternative dimension or he has something else up his sleeve.
Never underestimate the enemy. WEF is definitely enemy of the people.