Something very odd has happened over at There is very little talk about Trump, it’s basically a news aggregator now. I feel as if the site has been taken over by bad actors. If it can happen there, it can happen here. I know I am a handshake account, but my last account had a Pepe and I’ve been around since the T_D days. I came to GA in 2020 after the election was stolen and I was just in shock at what I saw. Be vigilant patriots!
Edit: after reviewing all comments, including mod input, I am not alone. Something has happened to My takeaway is that we need to really work as a team to help the mods manage this place by deporting all suspected shills, trolls, and bots. Let’s go patriots! THIS TRAIN HAS NO BRAKES!!!!!! NCSWISC!!!!!!!!
Tons of shills and trolls over there. They are constantly trying to provoke us and divide and conquer. They're very aggressive and they always try to make everyone else rage.
Also, so many people there are super proud to be a Doomer and defend their doomerness with extreme fervor.
No indepth conversations allowed.
Only reposting month old memes and snarky onliners.
This. So many of them think they're clever because "no arrests," yet. This is a narrative war, not a battle to cut just one or two heads off the hydra.
They're so stupid they think that our side could all unite, coordinate and effectively beat the nwo in a hot conflict, but the same people can't possibly unite, coordinate and effectively defeat the nwo using nonviolent measures.
It's blatant fed talk.