I used to think kosmou meant the beauty. We get cosmetologist from the root, and cosmopolitan from the root.
Kosmou as ordered fits too. Our world can be ordered by the Adamic, the satsnic, and by righteousness. In the Adamic order we are sinners, in the satanic order we are deceivers, in the righteous order of Christ we are in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus preached the kingdom of heaven and entering into it. To enter the kingdom order of heaven we leave all other order, we become Christ centered Christ followers, Christ ordered. Jesus Christ reigns over what used to be a world order in our lives.
The word of the kingdom is the word
Even now at this very moment the life that we live is this body of flesh we live by the faith of the Son of God; and that faith assures us fully that the incorruptible seed, sown by the overshadowing power of the Holy Spirit, shall issue forth in incorruption, immortality and eternal life. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. Death is corruption and Life is incorruption. As the rush cannot grow without mire (Job. 8:11), as the reed cannot grow without water, as the mustard seed cannot grow without earth, so, in a manner beyond my understanding, the incorruptible Christ seed, planted in the corruptible earth which we are, bears its fruit in immortality, incorruption and eternal life; the NEW CREATION. The seed cannot become a tree without the earth and the earth cannot become a tree without the seed. The tree is neither the life in the seed nor the elements of the earth. The tree is the elements of the earth QUICKENED AND MADE ALIVE by the transforming power of the life in the seed! Such is the New Creation. The New Creation is neither the eternal God nor is it man. The New Creation is CHRIST, the God-man, humanity admitted into the full glory of the Divine, human nature received up into union with the eternal Spirit. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is composed of redeemed men who are putting on the divine nature and the incorruptible life of God.