And the fentanyl deaths we have been hearing about, are the people jabbed? Thank you.
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I go to a Chiropractor in Washington state, and he told me that one of his patients is a Paramedic and they told him 3 of their paramedics have died suddenly just since Jan.
Oh my! Are we to "assume" ( sorry) they were jabbed? That's sad. Sorry to hear that.
State of Washington ALL employees Medical/Government vaxxed except Chiropractors. They all said they would quit if forced.
Question Naturopaths in WA were forced as well? Too bad they couldn’t have stood strong together like the chiropractors. God only knows what our medical industry will look like in the next few years. Not good.
I don't know about Naturopathic, just what the chiropractor said. Maybe not cause they are against all vaccines. My Chiropractor has not had any vaccines his whole life. I'll call around Monday or Tuesday and find out about Naturopathic ones.