I work in the river transportation industry and they just learned of this disaster from our boss’s mother!!! He asked if we had heard of this and I immediately said YES!!! We also have rail cars that line the river that make their way down south… Not very many people even in this industry know what’s going on!! The Ohio River makes it’s way to eventually the Mississippi. This could seriously affect way more than the 22 million people that live in the Ohio area once it makes it’s way to the water.
I work in the river transportation industry and they just learned of this disaster from our boss’s mother!!! He asked if we had heard of this and I immediately said YES!!! We also have rail cars that line the river that make their way down south… Not very many people even in this industry know what’s going on!! The Ohio River makes it’s way to eventually the Mississippi. This could seriously affect way more than the 22 million people that live in the Ohio area once it makes it’s way to the water.